Friday, September 08, 2006

i am very sleepy . .. >.< zzzzzz

yo! well today , i was very sleepy. . . cos. . . . . i woke up @ 4.30 am can you imagine??? while the night before i slept @ 12.30pm. . . shit. . . actually its because i had mistaken glancing the alarm clock...yes, i admitted that i was still sleepy at that time. . .
what i saw on my quartz alarm clock, was 5.30am . . . I had only realized it after i had played maplestory until around 5.45am. . .. but when i glanced at the time, it really confused me. .. . 4.45am. . . . planning to go sleep again, but, afraid can't wake up on time, i did not want to the late-coming to recurrence again, as what i had ever did last semester during chemistry extra lesson. . . .

So, what i did was that i went to boil the water.... and continue distracting myself by playing maplestory again. . . .my eyes at that time was very tired. . .. . like wanna to close my eyes.. . . although i had washed my face wif icy water, yet, it still did not deport the sleepiness away. . ..

At around 6am++, i forced myself to drink 3 packets of NESCAFE intense. . . .for that moment onwards, i began to feel better than before, at least, my sleepiness was driven out of my mind. . . then, went to bath, eat breakfast and continue to play maple until around 7.45am. . .
Today we have mrs Toh a math holiday class. . . (this is the reason why i dun wanna lie down again upon realizing i woke up too early). . . we learned about circular measure. . . the topic was okok wif me. . . luckily, the effect of the caffein began to wear off only when the lesson almost coming to and end. . . it was about 9.50am++++
After lesson,Ting wei and Seen Teng went to bugis to get their OBS thingsy. . .and i'm sorry johnson and joshua for not able to help you wif your powerpoint project. . . . I went home immediately, threw myself to the sofa and . . .. ZZZZzzzZZZ. . . woke up at around 2pm went to redhill hawker for lunch and then did remaining holiday homework. . .

ooooo yeah. . . finally i'm able to finish it today. . . . though it took me a long time. . . =( but , i'm glad that from tml onwards i can start my preparation for final year exam. . . .

=) ZZZzzzZZZ i'm still sleepy now. . . .dunno why despite i had paid my 'sleep' debt but still. . . .sleepy. . . . . .k cya. . . nitez ! =p
=) :)

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