Tuesday, January 09, 2007

my sad days as a librarian

well, for this post, i'm just gonna be talking about mrl ( media resource library). . . this matter had keep been bothering me all days, and you know, i don't wish to get a heart disease by keeping it inside my heart. . . so, to remove this 'virus' i'm gonna threw it up here in the blog. . .
here it goes. . .
my regret of choosing the wrong cca

Library as a cca, its not the cca that i chose by my own instinct . . . but, rather, it was one of my ex-classmates, Shunan 's recommendation ( at that time i thought he was a good friend, till i found his true colour one day. . .) when i had just joined queensway secondary school in sec 2. . . During my sec 2 years, i'm always active for library, my attendance was 100%. At sec 2, i found library is not so stressful and there are no problem generated. . . peaceful moments. . despite at that time we have shortage of librarian in duties. . .

Then, sec 3 adventure began. . . Mrs lim lay kuan was the new head of library, replacing madam roslina . . . well, since she was my form teacher in sec 2, i'm sure she will be able to do a good job, and she did. . . Then we (the librarians) were called to choose the days we wanted to do our duties. . . i chose thursday and for the beginning, its fun. . . you know why? i met some new friends, one of them is called Caiyun, she was my senior librarian, she and her ' gang ' all chose to be librarian and they did ' siao' (crazy) things there , so i joined in as well. . . haha it was such a wonderful moment. . . Around April 2006, Caiyun & her gang step down from library to prepare for prelim & N' level exam. . . for that, i was lonely, the library duties seemed to be like like in a cemetery, no joke, no talking, no fun at all ! So, at this point of time some librarians try to act big already . . .
For example; all of us did the cafe job, but then at closing time, they commanded me to go and wash the plates and wipe the table, and i follow as what they commanded, despite i'm ex-co at that time and they're not, but i tried to be nice to them. . . Soon after a few weeks, i began to feel that cafe works are more like girlish job you know, Wash dishes, serve food, wipe table . . . not manly, so i decided to change to book shelfing. . . but still , these bad librarians who worked in the cafe, everytime after cafe closure at 4pm ,they will carry out the plates and asked me to wash for them, while they idle around, relaxing away. . . i still do as they wish. . . it was because i'm blind, i do not have the courage, the bravery to stand up against them. . . cos if i say no, they will " make their own story as that i'm in the wrong"
Till, after month of june, the time whereby i got to know Johnson and Ting wei, was my turning point. . . i learnt a lot from them. . . the bravery to stand up for the right, that every man should have in themselves, become more 'gangster like' , not to threaten ppl or bully ppl, but to instead, give the alert to the 'attacker' to think twice before attacking you . . . .
day by day, i learnt to became more braver and braver, until when the whole incident repeated all over again, whereby the bad librarians asked me to wash the dishes while i was shelfing the book, i said no .... and of course they started to threaten me, and i told them to go ahead to do it if they got guts. . . Then one prefect you know, who was a librarian started to threaten me by saying that he will write down my name in the small booklet issued by mr chua to all prefects . . .and i told him to go ahead if he dare, i'll make sure he was kicked out of prefectorial board should he try to write my name in the booklet, cos threatening is not the way of the prefect !

So, i believe , my downfall in sec 4, is not because of the teachers own decision, but its from the complaint from these bad librarian. . . when 2 or three of them had convinced the teacher on how bad a student can be, of course the teacher will agree to them rite?
For sec 4, the whole week i have group study and remedial . . . monday; physics, tuesday- chemistry , wednesday- english, thursday-mother tongue, friday- a or e math... so maybe i may skip library duties if i can't make it. . .

If you're curious on whose the bad librarian, sry i can't say their name , but i will give you clue;One of them is the prefect,boy,duties on thursday last year . . . Another is a girl, who wear a specs and fat; duties and this year she's one of the ex-co member. . .
Of all, to finalize it, i'm kinda disappointed with the points given by taking library as cca . . . ppl who took choir, girl guides, band , etc have scored almost full marks, while me? only 7 points , not even half . . .
on top of that, i also kept getting resistance by the bad librarians who wanted to make use of me as their slave . . . phew very very bad leh . . . Some more, Mrs lim promised us that if we did the 'Top ten' corner in the library, she will award us with more points. . . i did 4 book reviews. . . but no points at all ! wah lao eh ! . . .
And i will try to advice all the person who i know or dont, not to ever take library as cca,cos you will feel disappointed at the end of secondary lifes, during your admission to Jc. . .
and so far, i had just realized that majority of the pupil librarians are from normal acad & technical stream, cos their days were not as stressful as the express stream, who will have group study, remedial, every days in a week .. . .
so, the moral of the story is, remember, your choice is your own, don't be influenced by the others

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